In a team, every member is equally important as all other team members. No team member is more important than anyone else on the team. Team members are accountable to self and to one another.
For a team to be a “high-functioning” team, every team member must understand that each team member is equally interdependent on every other team member for success..
Consider a chain made up of links that is connected into a circle. If one link in that chain is weak, the entire chain is at risk of breaking apart. If one team member is compromised, the entire team is at risk of breaking apart. If one team member is struggling, pick that team member up and help him or her succeed. Then and only then, can the entire team succeed at its highest level.
Your team mantra should be, “We are all equally interdependent on one another for success. As one individual said, “No person left behind. We succeed together, or we fall together. ”
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