What is a High-Functioning Team? A Group of People who are Equally Interdependent on One Another For Success…

In a team, every member is equally important as all other team members. No team member is more important than anyone else on the team. Team members are accountable to self and to one another. For a team to be a "high-functioning" team, every team member must...

Let People Know You Value Them: Demonstrate Appreciation…

All people need to know they are respected for their individual uniqueness, to know they have purpose--that they are valued. Both tier to trust. All people need to trust and be trusted. Meet human needs of respect, purpose and trust to tap into intrinsic motivation....

Just Because You Speak, in Any Venue, Does Not Mean You Have Communicated…

Communications is a circle. Just because you speak via voice or digitally, does not mean you have communicated. You communicate only when you speak (including digitally), the recipient(s) hear, comprehend and respond. #leadership #leadershipcoach #SHRM...

To Listen is to Learn and Engage Others 

When you are talking, you repeat what you already know. When you listen, you learn. Listen more! Talk less! Give people a voice. Let people know they matter." #leadership #management #motivation #trust "4 Generations @ Work" and "Three Things all People...

Inspired Leadership Elevates Everything

Always put Others before self. Be inclusive and collaborative. #Trust first. #Listen to understand. Show Respect & appreciation. #Leadership #motivation #collaboration  



(828) 514-3878




1771 12th Street NE, Hickory, NC 28601