Let People Know You Value Them: Demonstrate Appreciation…
All people need to know they are respected for their individual uniqueness, to know they have purpose--that they are valued. Both tier to trust. All people need to trust and be trusted. Meet human needs of respect, purpose and trust to tap into intrinsic motivation....
Just Because You Speak, in Any Venue, Does Not Mean You Have Communicated…
Communications is a circle. Just because you speak via voice or digitally, does not mean you have communicated. You communicate only when you speak (including digitally), the recipient(s) hear, comprehend and respond. #leadership #leadershipcoach #SHRM...
A Bad Leader Can Destroy the Highest Performing Team; All Results Suffer
Managers, supervisors, and team leaders must possess “leadership skills”, an understanding of the behaviors that tier to trust, and the knowledge to “lead people” not just manage things.: nurturing versus controlling. To engage and retain people, team leaders must...
Micromanagement & Controlling Behaviors are Fear-based…
Controlling behaviors are emotional abuse. Fear-based behaviors. They do nothing to motivate, engage and retain people. Fear freezes all that is good in your organization and community. Trust is non-existent. Empowerment cannot evolve. People are disengaged and...
It is More Difficult to Walk Away When…
The ability to retain people, like never in history, depends on your ability to meet human needs--take care of the people. When you are a member of a team where you feel you belong, trust exists, and all people are treated with dignity and respect, you are committed...
Ask & Listen: Encourage Problem Solving Skills and So Much More…
Ask and Listen to others. Don't continuously give people all the answers or 'tell people what to do and how to do things.' Or worse, constantly tell people what to do and how to do it because "you know it all." When people are given a voice, and the freedom to think...
1771 12th Street NE, Hickory, NC 28601