It is More Difficult to Walk Away When…

The ability to retain people, like never in history, depends on your ability to meet human needs–take care of the people. When you are a member of a team where you feel you belong, trust exists, and all people are treated with dignity and respect, you are...

Ask & Listen: Encourage Problem Solving Skills and So Much More…

Ask and Listen to others. Don’t continuously give people all the answers or ‘tell people what to do and how to do things.’ Or worse, constantly tell people what to do and how to do it because “you know it all.” When people are given a...

Collaboration Leads to a Cycle of Continuous Improvement…

Empowerment sets people free to think, innovate, solve problems, and act on their own. A cycle or spiral of continuous improvement evolves. This cannot be shut down unless trust erodes. The culture develops a life of its own. Things move faster. People are more...

Bullying Can Be Anything That Disrespects…

That is truth. Every human being has a right to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of anything. Value and respect all people for their individual uniqueness. All humans! They may not look the same, act the same, dress the same, think the same, worship the...